1 | Effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding utilization of technical gadgets and its impact on health among PSG Polytechnic students, Coimbatore. |
2 | Assessment of dementia among older adults in selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
3 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding mental illness among adolescent in selected urban community settings. |
4 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding digital eye strain among pharmacy students in selected college of pharmacy, Coimbatore. |
5 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding Antara and Chhaya among primi para mothers admitted in selected Tertiary Care Hospital,Coimbatore. |
6 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on the level of knowledge regarding Osteoarthritis among older adults at a selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
7 | Effectiveness of structured teaching program on level of knowledge regarding stress management among hemodialysis patients a selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
8 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding obstructive sleep apnea among nursing students at selected nursing college, Coimbatore. |
9 | Assessment on perceived attitude towards online classes among physiotherapy students in a selected college of physiotherapy, Coimbatore. |
10 | Assessment of knowledge and practice on puerperal sepsis among postnatal mothers in a selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
11 | Assessment of behavioral problems of children among employed mothers and unemployed mothers in selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
12 | Assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding COVID-19 among antenatal mothers at selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
13 | Effectiveness of multi facilitated intervention on knowledge regarding sensation seeking behavior among engineering students in selected engineering college in Coimbatore. |
14 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding childhood obesity among mother of adolescent in selected rural area, Coimbatore. |
15 | Effectiveness of sensitization program on knowledge regarding pressure ulcer among family members of bedridden patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
16 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding antipsychotic drugs among care givers of client with psychosis at Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
17 | Effectiveness of sensitization program on knowledge regarding mobile game addiction among nursing students in selected college of nursing, Coimbatore. |
18 | Effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge and attitude regarding COVID stigmatization among adults at selected rural area, Coimbatore. |
19 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding immediate management of myocardial infarction among hypertensive patients admitted in selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
20 | Assessment of the level of knowledge on human rights among caregivers of mentally ill patients at selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
1 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding first aid management of burns on knowledge among mothers of under five children in selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore. |
2 | A study to assess the effectiveness of pursed lip breathing on breathing pattern among patients with respiratory problem at selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
3 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge on NIPAH virus infection among women at selected community area,Coimbatore. |
4 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on nomophobia among B.Sc nursing second year students at selected Nursing College,Coimbatore. |
5 | A study to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on level of knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls in selected college, Coimbatore. |
6 | A pre -experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding breast self-examination on early detection on breast cancer among women in selected rural area, Coimbatore. |
7 | A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding malnutrition among mothers of under five children in selected rural area, Coimbatore. |
8 | A study to assess the knowledge regarding Urinary tract infection among pregnant women at outpatient department in selected Tertiary Care Hospital Coimbatore |
9 | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Food Adulteration among Rural Women in Selected Community, Coimbatore. |
10 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on management of sleep disturbance among psychiatric patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
11 | A study to assess the level of knowledge and attitude towards organ donation among selected patients visiting medical outpatients department in selected Tertiary Care Hospital Coimbatore |
12 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on prevention of worm infestation among mothers of under five children visiting outpatient department at Tertiary Care Hospital in Coimbatore. |
13 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding management of breast feeding problems on knowledge among postnatal mothers at selected Tertiary Care Hospital Coimbatore |
14 | A study to assess the "effectiveness of art therapy on anxiety level among children admitted at selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore" |
15 | A study to evaluate the effectiveness of kaleidoscope on pain during venipuncture among children in pediatric ward at selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore. |
16 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on the level of knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of nosocomial infection among BSC nursing students in selected nursing college, Coimbatore. |
17 | A descriptive study to identify the cognitive impairment among elderly at selected outpatient departments of tertiary care hospitals, coimbatore. |
18 | A study to assess the effectiveness of family psycho education interventions regarding caregivers burden among primary caregivers of psychiatric clients admitted in tertiary care hospital, coimbatore |
19 | A study to assess the knowledge on self-concern regarding coronary heart disease among cardiac patients at selected Tertiary Care Hospital in Coimbatore. |
20 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding immunization among mothers of under five children at selected urban area in Coimbatore. |
21 | A Study to assess the behavioral effects of cartoon viewing among parents of under- five children at a selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore. |
22 | A study to assess the impact of internet addiction on daytime sleepiness among students at selected college of pharmacy, Coimbatore |
1 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding home care management of CVA patients among their caregivers on tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore. |
2 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on mental illness among caregivers of psychiatric patients in tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore |
3 | A study to assess the effectiveness of breathing exercise in reducing stress among adolescent at selected schools, Coimbatore. |
4 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on social media addiction among nursing students in selected college, Coimbatore. |
5 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on ill effects of alcoholism among alcoholics in selected community area at Coimbatore. |
6 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on management of violent behaviour among primary caregivers of individual with mental health problem in tertiary care hospital in Coimbatore. |
7 | A study to assess the impact of social media on quality of sleep among nursing students in selected nursing colleges at Coimbatore. |
8 | A study to assess the knowledge and practices regarding cardiac rehabilitation among patients with coronary artery disease at selected tertiary care hospital in Coimbatore. |
9 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on the knowledge of menstrual hygiene among adolescents in selected schools at Coimbatore. |
10 | A study to assess the knowledge regarding child abuse among mothers in selected urban area at Coimbatore. |
11 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on urinary incontinence among patients in selected tertiary care hospital at Coimbatore. |
12 | A study to assess the effectiveness of instructional module on first aid measures on drowning and falls among mothers of under five children in selected urban area in Coimbatore. |
13 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention and management of osteoporosis among working women in selected hostel at Coimbatore. |
14 | Assessment of prostatic symptoms among older adults in outpatient department of selected tertiary care hospital at Coimbatore. |
15 | A study to assess the knowledge and practice regarding foot care among diabetic mellitus patients visiting medical OPD at selected hospital in Coimbatore. |
16 | A study to assess the coping strategies in patients with mental illness attending psychiatric outpatient department at selected tertiary care hospital at Coimbatore. |
17 | A study to assess the knowledge on dyslexia among primary school teachers at selected school, Coimbatore. |
18 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding physical activity among adolescents in selected school, Coimbatore. |
19 | A study to assess the prevalence and knowledge on minor disorders of pregnancy among antenatal mother’s attending in old at selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore |
20 | A study to assess the knowledge on prevention of road traffic accidents among undergraduate students |
21 | A study to assess the prevalence of reproductive tract infections among women in selected urban area, Coimbatore |
22 | A study to assess the knowledge and attitude on human milk banking among pregnant women at selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore. |
1 | Assessment of emotional intelligence and perceived stress among first year B.Sc., Nursing students at Nursing College, Coimbatore. |
2 | Assessment of knowledge on problem based learning among B.Sc. Nursing Students at selected Nursing College, Coimbatore. |
3 | Assessment of knowledge regarding prevention and management of diarrhea based on IMNCI guidelines among parents of under five children in Pediatric outpatient department, at selected hospital, Coimbatore. |
4 | Effectiveness of video assisted demonstration regarding body mechanics on knowledge and practice among First Year B.Sc. Nursing students in a selected College of Nursing, Coimbatore. |
5 | Assessment of knowledge on prevention of Dengue Fever among patients in Medical OPD in selected hospitals at Coimbatore. |
6 | Effectiveness of planned teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding PCOS among adolescent girls in a selected school at Coimbatore. |
7 | Assessment of stress, anxiety and depression among primary care givers of patients with psychotic disorders in selected hospitals at Coimbatore. |
8 | Assessment of Nutritional status among under five children in a selected rural and urban area at Coimbatore. |
9 | Assessment of balance and gait among older adults in selected outpatient department of selected Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
10 | Diaphragmatic breathing exercise on anxiety among patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy in a selected Hospital at Coimbatore. |
11 | Assessment of perceived stress and coping strategies among wines of alcoholics in selected area of Coimbatore. |
12 | Effectiveness of laughter therapy on general health among older adult at selected old age home, Coimbatore. |
13 | Assessment of knowledge on breakfast food habits and their nutritional status among early adolescents in selected school, Coimbatore. |
14 | Assessment of knowledge on early signs and emergency management of myocardial infarction among high risk patients in selected hospital at Coimbatore. |
15 | Effectiveness of video assisted teaching Vs. demonstration method of teaching regarding knowledge on Biomedical Waste Management among II year B.Sc. Nursing students at selected College of Nursing, Coimbatore. |
16 | Assessment of knowledge and attitude on tobacco consumption among adolescents in selected school at Coimbatore District. |
17 | Assessment of prevalence and knowledge on anemia among adolescent girls in a selected educational institution at Coimbatore District. |
18 | Structured teaching program on the knowledge of women regarding post menopausal care at selected urban area in Coimbatore District. |
19 | Assessment of knowledge on care of spectacles among adults in selected hospital at Coimbatore. |
20 | Assessment of awareness on cataract among adult patients attending selected outpatient departments of PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
21 | Assessment of knowledge on exclusive breast feeding catch on teaching technique among primipara mothers attending vaccination OPD at selected Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
22 | Assessment of physical functioning among old age group at selected old age home, Peelamedu, Coimbatore. |
1 | A study to assess the effectiveness of socio drama on knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation among school students at selected schools Coimbatore. |
2 | A study to assess the quality of life among patients undergoing hemodialysis is the view preparing pamphlete in a selected hospital Coimbatore. |
3 | A study to create awareness on ill effects of mobile phone over usage among school age children selected school at Coimbatore. |
4 | A study to assess knowledge regarding cervical cancer screening and its prevention among female sanitary workers in PSG Hospitals at Coimbatore. |
5 | A descriptive study to identify the epidemiological factors contributing to respiratory morbidity among cotton mill workers at Coimbatore. |
6 | A Descriptive study to assess self esteem among adolescents in a selected school Coimbatore. |
7 | Effect of small group teaching in view of promoting knowledge on pain management for the first year Bsc Nursing students in PSG college of Nursing at Coimbatore. |
8 | A study to assess the awareness menopause among women attending selected outpatient departments PSG Hospitals Coimbatore. |
9 | A study to assess the effectiveness of hand washing Techniques using snake and ladder as a play way method among school children at PSG children’s school Coimbatore. |
10 | An evaluative study to assess the effectiveness an video assisted teaching program on breast self examinations among female school Teacher’s at Coimbatore. |
11 | A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programe on prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis among adults in selected urban areas of Coimbatore. |
12 | A study to assess the effectiveness of Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique on social anxiety among high school students at selected school in Coimbatore. |
1 | A study to assess the knowledge on dengue fever and its preventive measures among parents of children attending pediatric outpatient department in PSG Hospitals , Coimbatore. |
2 | A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on health promotion measures in prevention of non communicable disease among adults in urban community. |
3 | A study to identify and compare the mosquito breeding places and control measures adopted among households at slum and non slum urban area in Coimbatore. |
4 | Education on prevention of CVA among high risk patients attending OPD’s at PSG Hospitals at Coimbatore. |
5 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on menstural hygiene among visually challenged adolescent girls at Coimbatore. |
6 | Effectiveness of pre operative instruction on level of anxiety among patients undergoing abdominal surgery, at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
7 | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of needle stick injuries among nursing students in selected nursing college at Coimbatore. |
8 | A study to determine the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding UTI and its prevention among adolescents girls in kanyagurukulam school at Coimbatore. |
9 | A study to create awareness on prevention of worm infestation among children through story telling techniques in PSG primary school , Coimbatore. |
10 | A study to assess the effectiveness of multimedia education program on knowledge regarding mental hygiene among B.sc (N) First year students at selected college of nursing in Coimbatore |
11 | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding basic care among care givers of the bedridden patients at PSG hospitals |
12 | A study to assess the knowledge on prevention and early detection of thyroid conditions among women attending selected Outpatients Departments of PSG Hospitals , Coimbatore |
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