S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Karthick . A R | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Sensory Stimulation on Level of Consciousness Among Traumatic Brain Injury Patients at Selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
2 | Prabha. S | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Multifaceted Interventions on Level of Knowledge Regarding Renal Rehabiliation Programme Among Chronic Renal Failure Patients at Selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
3 | Jayasanthiya. R | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Multifactorial Intervention About Care of Patients with Stroke on Level of Knowledge and Practice Among Caregivers in a Selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
4 | Maheswari. B | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of Clinical Pathway for Postnatal Mothers Regarding Postnatal Care on Knowledge and Practice Among Nursing Students at Selected Nursing College, Coimbatore. |
5 | Thilagavathi. M | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of Moist Heat Application on Labor Pain and Maternal Outcome During First Stage of Labor Among Primigravida Mothers in Selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
6 | Kathigai Deepa. K | IV - Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of Sensitizing Program on Level of Knowledge and Practice Regarding Child Safety Among School Children in Selected School at Coimbatore. |
7 | Riya Jacob | V-Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of Teaching Strategies About Selfie Addiction on Selfie Addiction Behaviour Among College Students in Selected Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. |
8 | Dhanushiya.M | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Bundles of Nursing Care on level of neuropathic pain among diabetic patients in selected tertiary care hospital, Coimbatore. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Mrs. Anitha.V | I- Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Novel technique on level of pain and bruise among patients receiving Low molecular weight heparin at selected Tertiary Care Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Mrs. Bakialakshmi | I- Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Clinical Pathway on patient outcome among patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft at selected Tertiary Care Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
3 | Ms. Deepika. S | I- Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of 3% Citric Acid Dressing on Diabetic Wound Status among Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer admitted at Selected Tertiary care Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
4 | Ms. Princy Benita Mary | I- Medical Surgical Nursing | Assess the quality of life and effectiveness of warm water submerged technique on fatigue among hemodialysis patients in a Tertiary care Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
5 | Ms. Priyanka. T | III- Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of Activity based learning on knowledge and attitude regarding prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy among adolescents in a selected school, Coimbatore. |
6 | Ms. Santhiya. M | III- Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of breast crawling technique on outcome of third stage of labor among parturient mothers in a selected Tertiary Care Hospital, Coimbatore. |
7 | Ms. Srimalathi. R | III- Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of simulated training in cardiotocograph & partograph and its interpretations on knowledge and skill among B.Sc. Nursing students in a selected Nursing college, Coimbatore. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Mrs. P. Elizabeth Rani | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding prevention of needle stick injuries among Nursing Students in a Selected Nursing College at Coimbatore. |
2 | Mr. M. Gopalsamy | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the Effectiveness of Bates Therapy on Visual Acuity and Visual Field Problems among People Residing in Selected Old Age Homes, Coimbatore. |
3 | Ms. P. Jaculine Jemima | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the Effectiveness of Buteyko Breathing Exercise on Respiratory outcomes among Patients with Obstructive Airway Disease at Tertiary Care Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Arthi. R | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerine versus ice pack application on phlebitis among patient with peripheral intravenous cannula induced phlebitis in a Tertiary care settings, Coimbatore. |
2 | Mrs.Sruthi. B | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise on Blood pressure among hypertensive patients in Tertiary care settings, Coimbatore. |
3 | Mrs.Jeyamoni. D | II - Paediatric Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of cluster care on physiological parameters stress level and comfort among preterm new born admitted in NICU in Tertiary care setting, Coimbatore. |
4 | Ms.Menaka. J | II - Paediatric Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of Helfer skintap technique on pain reduction on infants undergoing intramuscular vaccination in Tertiary care setting, Coimbatore. |
5 | Ms.Anitha. P | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of povidone iodine sitzbath Vs Lavender oil sitz bath on episiotomy pain and wound healing among postnatal Mothers undergoing vaginal delivery in Tertiary care setting. |
6 | Mrs.Dona Sara Philipose | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness on leg massage on physiological lower leg edema among antenatal mothers admitted at selected hospital, Coimbatore. |
7 | Mrs.Idah Theboral. G | V - Psychiatric Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding antipsychotic drug among care givers of psychiatric patients in Tertiary care settings, Coimbatore. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Santhosh Priya. N | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to asssess the effectiveness of chin tuck against resistance (CTAR) exercise in improving swallowing ability among cerebrovascular accident patients with dysphagia at selected hospital, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.Soniya. T | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of foot and hand massage in reducing level of postoperative pain among patients with abdominal surgery at Selected Hospital, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.Sindhuja. K | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of aerobic exercise on primary dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls at selected College, Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Gokila. S | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Mirror Therapy to Improve Upper Extremity Motor Function in Stroke Patients at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
2 | Ms.Lekha. J | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Intradialytic Stretching Exercises on Prevention and Reduction of Muscle Cramps among Patients Undergoing Haemo dialysis at PSG Hospitals Coimbatore. |
3 | Mrs. Prameela. A | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the awareness on management of hypoglycemia among diabetic clients in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore in view of preparing an information booklet. |
4 | Ms.Praveena Arul | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme for Nurses Administering Intravenous Chemotherapy, in PSG Hospital, Coimbatore. |
5 | Mrs.Sangeetha. D | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention and management of varicose venis among nurses working in critical care unit at PSG Hospitals in Coimbatore. |
6 | Mrs.Sindhu Bhaskaran | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A Study on Effectiveness of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation with Beet Root Juice in Reduction of Blood Pressure among Essential Hypertensive Patients Admitted in PSG Hospital, Coimbatore. |
7 | Ms.Cinku Angeline. S | II - Paediatric Nursin | Prevalence of dental carries among rural children and effectiveness of play-way method of teaching on dental hygiene in selected schools at PSG High School, Vedapatti |
8 | Mrs.Muthuguruvu. P | II - Paediatric Nursin | A Comparative Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Cartoon Animation, Music Therapy & Kaleidoscope on Pain Reduction During Surgical Dressing among Children Aged 4-12 at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
9 | Ms.Neethu Joseph | II - Paediatric Nursin | A Comparative Study to Assess the Usage of Electronic Media and Its Impact on the Traditional Play, Health and Wellbeing with a View to Provide an Information Booklet and Need-Based Education to the School Children in Selected Schools in the Urban and Rural Areas. Coimbatore |
10 | Ms.Ashna Jose | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A Comparative Study on The Effectiveness of DFMC Chart Versus Cardiff Count ten Chart in Relation to Maternal Compliance and Mothers Perception on Self Assessment of Foetal Wellbeing. |
11 | Mrs.Priyaselvi B | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | An exploratory study to assess the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and associated risk factors among antenatal mothers between 20 weeks to 40 weeks in PSG Hospitals in an view to prepare an information booklet on gestational diabetes mellitus. |
12 | Mr.Antro Berrinin. A | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of Sensitization Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Towards Drinking and Alcoholism among Students at Selected Colleges in Coimbatore. |
13 | Ms.Nancy. S | V - Psychiatric Nursing | An Exploratory Study to Assess the Negative Impact of Facebook Addiction among College Students in View to Provide Information Booklet in Selected Colleges. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Jenifer Gracy.M | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Cutaneous Stimulai on Level of Pain Related to Arteriovenous Fistula Puncture in Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.Keerthana.B | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of dual task exercise to improve balance, walking speed and gain pattern in patients with cerebrovascular accident at PSG Hopitals, Coimbatore. |
3 | Ms.Meera John | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of preoperative video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and anxiety among patients undergoing laparoscopic abdominal surgeries at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
4 | Ms.Shiny Marin Varughese | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effect of Buerger- Allen Exercise in Improving Lower Limb Tissue Perfusion in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
5 | Ms.Priya Rachel Johns | II - Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of video assisted teaching on technique of expressing and utilization of expressed breast milk, to establish exclusive breastfeeding among working lactating mothers in selecting settings in Coimbatore. |
6 | Ms.Susan Varghese. K | II - Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of Oral Stimulation and Oral Support on Feeding Performance in Pre term Babies. |
7 | Ms.Geethpriya S | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A study to assess the effect of pelvic girdle pain on functional activities among antenatal mothers attending OPD of PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
8 | Ms.Shanmugapriya. S | V - Psychiatric Nursing | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy in Reducing Stress among Primary Care Givers of Psychiatric Patients. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Sonia N Sunny | II - Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of diabetic education on self care management to children with type I diabetes mellitus and their parents in selected hospital, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.Jonishia Mary S | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of guided imagery in management of post operative pain in lower segment caesarean section mothers admitted in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.Julie Susan Oommen | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of music therapy on stress reduction among postmenopausal women residing in Hudco Colony, Coimbatore |
4 | Ms.Antoniya Saleth Sugantha.H | V - Psychiatric Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme to primary caregivers of patients on lithium treatment at PSG hospitals, Coimbatore. |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Mrs.Divya Elizabeth Joy | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | Effect of Alternate Nostril Breathing on Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Clients. |
2 | Mr.Manikandan S | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | A study to assess effectiveness of opthalmic exercise (Trataka) in reducing refractive error among school going children in selected school, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.Selvasathya S | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | Effectiveness of Ice Pack Application in Prevention and Reduction of Pain, Hematoma and Bruise Formation among Patients Receiving Subcutaneous Low Molecular Weight Heparin at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
4 | Mr.Vijay D | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Constraint Induced Aphasia Therapy in Improving the Level of Speech among Patients with Post Stroke Aphasia at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
5 | Mr.Vijaya Prabhu | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | Effectiveness of Foot Massage in Reduction of Pain among Cancer Patients in Ashwin Hospital at Coimbatore. |
6 | Ms.Ancy Merin Mathew | III - Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of Foot Reflexology in Reduction of Labour Pain among Mothers in Labour Admitted at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
7 | Ms.Mythili J | IV - Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of Aerobic Exercise in Improving the Physical and Physiological Parameters among Obese Women at Vedapatti, Coimbatore |
8 | Ms.Naseema N | IV - Community Health Nursing | A Community Based Approach to assess the Effect of Larvivorocy Fish in Control of Dengue Vector in Household Water Container at Sowripalayam, Coimbatore. |
9 | Mrs.P.Rajalakshmi | IV - Community Health Nursing | A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of hot water application with Epsom Salt Versus plain hot water application to reduce knee joint pain among women. |
10 | Mr.Rajeshkannan K | IV - Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of peer group education on life style modification among hypertensive workers working at PSG Foundry, Neelambur, Coimbatore |
11 | Mr.Daniel Sushane Muggala | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Structured Teaching Programme on the Preventive Measures of Suicidal Ideation among Adolscents in Priyadarshini School, Pithapuram, Andhra Pradesh. |
12 | Mr.Karthic S | V - Psychiatric Nursing | A Comparative Study to Assess the Stress and Coping Strategies among Nurses Working in intensive care unit and general ward of selected hospital, Coimbatore |
13 | Ms.Nisha Mary C | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of Mnemonics, Chunking and Mind Mapping in Enhancing the Perceived Memory of School, Vedapatti. |
14 | Ms.Soumya Thomas | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Assessment of Emotional Intelligence among Adolescents in PSG Public School, Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Anu Thomas | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of starch therapy for the management of pruritus at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Mr.Jackson Chacko | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of warm foot bath in promotion of early sleep onset among cancer patients with sleep onset latency |
3 | Ms.Jeny Mathew M | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | Effect of multifactorial intervention on sleep quality among elderly adults in St.Joseph’s Old Age Home, Podanur at Coimbatore |
4 | Mrs.Rathi.R | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of communication board on the level of satisfaction in communication among the clients on mechanical ventilator in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
5 | Ms.Thangavelu Thilakavathi | I-Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of constraint induced movement therapy to increase the motor activity of the affected upper extremity among cerebro vascular accident patients in PSG Hospitals, coimbatore |
6 | Ms.Anila Augustine | II-Paediatric Nursing | A study to assess the knowledge, attitude and competency of staff nurses in assessment and treatment of under five children based on IMNCI guidelines at selected PHCs, Coimbatore |
7 | Ms.Anu Jose | II-Paediatric Nursing | Assessment of quality of life among HIV infected children under art regimen in adopted families of Shanti Ashram, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore |
8 | Ms.Greeshma Thampi | II-Paediatric Nursing | A comparative study to assess the self esteem among adolescents living in foster home and biological home |
9 | Ms.Jerrin Ann Joseph | II-Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of facilitated tucking in reduction of pain among preterm babies undergoing heel prick in the neonatal intensive care unit at GKNM Hospital, Coimbatore |
10 | Mrs.Neethu Rajan | II-Paediatric Nursing | A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of honey application and chlorhexidine mouthwash in treatment related oral mucositis among cancer children at Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore |
11 | Ms.Surya T | II-Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of nesting in maintenance of physiological and behavioural parameters among preterm babies |
12 | Sr.Chella Arokya Mary | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Association of striae gravidarum score with perineal trauma among primi para mothers at St.Ann’s Hospital, Warangal, Andhrapradesh |
13 | Ms.Frincy Francis | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of rectal analgesic suppositories in the reduction of post episiotomy pain among primipara women in SAIT Maternity Government Hospital, Ooty |
14 | Mrs.Nija T.U. | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of Lamaze breathing exercise on the level of labor pain among primi gravida mothers at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
15 | Ms.Rosemol M.A. | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | Effectiveness of ambulation during labour on maternal and fetal outcome among the primigravida mothers at SAIT Maternity Hospital, Ooty |
16 | Ms.Sony Sara P.J. | III-Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing | A comparative study to assess the effect of semi sitting and left lateral position on materno foetal biophysiological parameters among mothers undergoing non stress test in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
17 | Mrs.Geethanjali P | IV-Community Health Nursing | Effect of Hyderabad mix in weight gain of malnourished children between the age group of 1 to 5 years |
18 | Ms.Liz Mathew | IV-Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of drumstick leaves syrup in improving the haemoglobin level among anaemic women in pattalamman Kovil Street, Coimbatore |
19 | Mrs.Rajeswari P.M. | IV-Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of back massage among women with non-specific low back pain |
20 | Ms.Rinu David | IV-Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of lemon juice in reduction of blood pressure among people with essential hypertension in Peelamedu, Coimbatore |
21 | Mrs.Sasirekha K | IV-Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of oats porridge in reduction of BML waist circumference and cholesterol level among obese women |
22 | Mrs.Vediyammal | IV-Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of acupressure on dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls in PSG College of Nursing, Peelamedu, Coimbatore |
23 | Mr.Adarsh G Nair | V-Psychiatric Nursing | Effect of deep breathing exercise in reduction of stress among hypertensive patients residing at Ellaithottam, Coimbatore |
24 | Ms.Arya Mohan J.S. | V-Psychiatric Nursing | Assessment of emotional challenges faced by people living with HIV in adopted families of Shanti Ashram, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore |
25 | Mr.Jiju Sathar | V-Psychiatric Nursing | Assessment of sensation seeking behaviour among college students in PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore |
26 | Mr.Naveen George | V-Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme in promoting knowledge on sexual health among adolescent boys in PSG Sarvajana School in Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Mrs.Anija Susan Issac | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Prophylactic measures in prevention of deep vein thrombosis among selected patients admitted at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.Anite Philip | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of topical insulin in healing of diabetic foot ulcer among patients admitted at PSG Hospitals |
3 | Ms.Josini T Chacko | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of povidone iodine mouthwash versus chlorhexidine mouthwash on radiation or chemotherapy induced oral mucositis among cancer patients in Caritas Hospital, Kottayam |
4 | Mrs.Laisy Mathew | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap technique on pain associated with intramuscular injection |
5 | Ms.Sandy Mariam Varughese | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of mirror box therapy in amputees experiencing phantom limb pain |
6 | Mr.Sibin M.B | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of foot reflexology in reducing post operative pain in patients with abdominal surgery |
7 | Mrs.Jansy P George | II - Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of bibliotherapy in children with specific learning disability to improve reading comprehension and attention span in selected schools, Kerala |
8 | Mrs.Jemy George | II - Paediatric Nursing | A descriptive study to assess the quality of life among thalassemia children |
9 | Mrs.Jyothi Joseph | II - Paediatric Nursing | Effectiveness of bladder training programme to parents of children with nocturnal enuresis at ABC Matriculation School, Coimbatore |
10 | Mrs.Nessie Samuel | II - Paediatric Nursing | A study to assess the prevalence of over active bladder among children between 6-12 years in a selected school, Coimbatore |
11 | Mrs.Sherin Usman | II - Paediatric Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of nebulization with oxygen and without oxygen in improving the respiratory status of children with wheezing in a selected hospital, Coimbatore |
12 | Mrs.Shibi Mariam Thomas | II - Paediatric Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme to parents on care of children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. |
13 | MsArthi P | III - Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of beetroot juice in treating the dysmenorrhic symptoms among nursing students in PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore |
14 | Mrs.Jeena Poulse | III - Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of semi-recumbent position during second stage of labour on labour outcome among primi mothers at M.O.S.C Medical College Hospital, Kolenchery, Kerala. |
15 | Mrs.Jeena Poulse | III - Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of Spleen Meridian-6 and Large Intestine-4 Acupressure on Labour Outcome Among Primi Mothers at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
16 | Mrs.Shyamala E | III - Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of deep breathing and walking exercise in reducing menopausal symptoms among women at Vedapatti, Coimbatore |
17 | Ms.Sincy P | III - Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of garlic intake in promotion of breast feeding among postnatal mothers in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
18 | Mrs.Sonya B.L. | III - Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing | Effectiveness of breathing exercise on pain among Primigravida mothers during first stage of labour |
19 | Ms.F.Laavanya Mary Rodriguez | IV - Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of ragi porridge in increasing haemoglobin level among adolescent girls with anemia |
20 | Mrs.Devi T | V - Mental Health Nursing | Effectiveness of music therapy in reduction of stress among working women at PSG Institute of Health Sciences, Coimbatore |
21 | Mr.Gladwin George Paul | V - Mental Health Nursing | Surveillance of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among school children in selected schools at Coimbatore |
22 | Ms.Merlin K James | V - Mental Health Nursing | Assessment of depression among cancer patients in District Cancer Centre, Kozhencherry, Kerala. |
23 | Ms.Sathyasri R | V - Mental Health Nursing | Promotion of self esteem activities among alcoholic dependents at Kasthuriba Gandhi De-addiction, Centre, Coimbatore |
24 | Ms.Sreeja T | V - Mental Health Nursing | Effectiveness of counseling techniques for co-morbid depressive disorder among the patients with medical illness at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
25 | Mrs.Vigneswari S | V - Mental Health Nursing | Promotion of coping measures to primary care givers of mentally ill in management of stress in vazhikatti Centre at Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Anjana A.P. | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | Nursing care of patient to control enteral feeding related gastrointestinal complications at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.Rajathi Brinda G | I - Medical Surgical Nursin | Assessment of quality of life of end stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.Ajitha A | II - Child Health Nursing | Effectiveness of balloon therapy and incentive spirometry in promotion of pulmonary function among children with selected respiratory diseases |
4 | Mrs.Bindu C Vasanthi | II - Child Health Nursing | A study to assess the efficacy of non pharmacological measures in reduction of pain perception among children undergoing selected painful procedures |
5 | Mrs.Silpa R | III - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing | A study to promote the Kegel’s exercise to women with stress urinary incontinence in PSG Rural Health Centre, Vedapatti |
6 | Mrs.Vimala.D | III - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing | Effectiveness of cabbage leaves application in reduction of breast engorgement among lactating mothers at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
7 | Mrs.Sivamathi R | IV - Community Health Nursing | Assessment of risk behaviour towards life style diseases among adolescents in selected schools, Coimbatore |
8 | Ms.Vijayalakshmi R | IV - Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of yoga therapy in reduction of blood pressure among hypertensive clients |
9 | Mrs.Maheswari T | V - Psychiatric Nursing | A comparative study to assess the prevalence of depression among elderly living with family and living in old age home |
10 | Mr.Saravanan | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Psycho education to juvenile delinquent at Observation Home, Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Lidiya P George | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of hot fomentation versus cold compress for reducing intravenous infiltration and intensity of pain in patients admitted to PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.T.N.Sasikala | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of coma stimulation program in improvement of conscious level of coma patients in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.Abigail Divya S | II - Child Health Nursing | Education to caregivers of HIV infected children in promotion of adherence to anti retro viral therapy |
4 | Mrs. S.Bhavani | II - Child Health Nursing | Effectiveness of preoperative interventions in promotion of coping among parents of children undergoing surgery at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
5 | Ms.Lavanya B | III - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing | Assess the effectiveness of massage on pain among primi mothers in labour admitted in Government Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram |
6 | Ms.Regina J | III - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing | A study to assess the effectiveness of medicated and non-medicated sitz bath on episiotomy healing among postnatal mothers admitted in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
7 | Mrs.Smitha Soman | IV - Community Health Nursing | Assessment of service delivery of DOT providers under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme |
8 | Ms.Vembu K | IV - Community Health Nursing | Tailor made education to the recipients of DOTS on prevention of transmission of tuberculosis nutrition and compliance to the |
9 | Ms.Carolin Susan George | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of psycho education on behavioural problems among institutionalized children |
10 | Mr.Lalaram | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme to staff nurses on management of psychiatric emergencies at PSG Hospitals and Vazhikatti Mental Health Centre, Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Mrs.Elizabeth A.J. | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Promotion of body mechanics and exercises in prevention of low back pain among staff nurses working in the Intensive Care Unit, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. |
2 | Sr.Shiji Joseph | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention and management of osteoporosis among working women in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.K.Amutha | IV - Community Health Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on breast self examination among women at a selected Urban area, Coimbatore. |
4 | Mr. A.Anthonisamy | V - Mental Health Nursing | Group therapy on promotion of psychological well being among alcoholic patients at Kasthuriba Gandhi De-Addiction Centre, Coimbatore. |
5 | Mrs. Jibby Varghese | V - Mental Health Nursing | Effectiveness of psycho education on home care of schizophrenic patients among primary care taker |
6 | Sr Amala | II - Child Health Nursing | An exploratory study to assess the factors contributing to childhood obesity among school going children aged 11 to 16 years at selected schools of Coimbatore in view to develop a structured teaching program / information booklet |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Ms.Kondal Devi | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Promotion of swallowing therapy among patients with dysphagia related to neuromuscular weakness at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Mr.K.Suresh Kumar | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effectiveness of structured protocol in prevention of local complications related to peripheral intravenous cannulation, injection and infusion in patients admitted at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
3 | Ms.Cecilia Vardhini D | II - Child Health Nursing | Effectiveness of oil massage on selected parameters of growth and development among neonates and infants at Peelamedu, Coimbatore |
4 | Mrs.P.Kalpana | II - Child Health Nursing | Nursing interventions in prevention of post operative complications among children with cleft lip, cleft palate surgery at G.Kuppusamy Naidu Hospital, Coimbatore |
5 | Mrs.Amudha Kathiresan | IV - Community Health Nursing | Screening of women for cancer cervix through visual inspection using acetic acid (VIA) method at East Arasur, Coimbatore |
6 | Mrs.Priya V.K. | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Promotion of coping measures to first year Under Graduate health care professional students in management of academic stress |
7 | Mrs.Rajeswari P | V - Psychiatric Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme to mothers in prevention of child abuse |
8 | Mrs Kavitha | IV - Community Health Nursing | Education to Adolescent Girls on intake of Iron, Folic Acid and Iodine rich acid in Prevention of Complications during Pregnancy at A D Colony, Coimbatore |
S.No | Students Name | Branch | Topic |
1 | Mrs.Leena.J | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Effect of selected measures on pulmonary functions in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease admitted in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
2 | Ms.Santhanalakshmi.B | I - Medical Surgical Nursing | Need based education to diabetic patients |
3 | Ms.Roselin Myvizhi.J.E | II - Child Health Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme among staff nurses on Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation in children in PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore |
4 | Mrs.Sheeba Elizabeth.J | II - Child Health Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme using child to child approach on dissemination of knowledge on importance of Vitamin – A in PSG Middle School, Vedapatti, Coimbatore. |
5 | Mrs.Bhuvana.P | IV - Community Health Nursing | Tailor made education to the elderly in prevention and management of specific health problems at VOC Colony, Coimbatore |
6 | Mrs.Gandhimathi.R | IV - Community Health Nursing | Education to self-help group women in prevention of cervical cancer through their animators at Neelambur, Coimbatore. |
7 | Ms.Anu Abraham | V - Mental Health Nursing | Effectiveness of structured teaching programme to primary school teachers on identification of mentally retarded children in selected schools, Coimbatore. |
8 | Mr.Thiruvengadam.D | V - Mental Health Nursing | Promoting coping measures to X standard students in management of stress related to examination in Hindu Higher Secondary School in Ambur. |
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