The PSG College of Nursing emulates high principles and discipline that are the hallmark of PSG Institutions.
It shall be the bounden duty of every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the College and to conduct himself/herself with discipline and decorum in all places and under all circumstances
All students are required to wear uniform in order to keep up the decorum and discipline of the Institution. Students are required to wear full uniform as prescribed by the college.
Hair must be groomed well. Face must be neatly shaven. First button of the shirt must not be left open. Only shoes are accepted.
Hair should be well groomed, not be left loose. Long nails with polish are not accepted, must wear clean and washed uniform. Bangles, big ear rings, chains and anklets not to be worn during clinical hours.
Each student must possess student identity card with his/her photograph affixed on it, duly attested by the Principal. The students must compulsorily wear the student identity card inside the college campus. Students without identity card and proper uniform will be marked as absent.
Ragging is an offense which is strictly prohibited in the college campus as well as in the hostel. Anti ragging committee takes action against students those who involved in such activities are liable to expulsion from the College.
Activities includes initiation or ragging of new students which lower human dignity, cause traumatic feelings, and leave emotional scars in the personalities of the victims.
Use of mobile phones within the college and hospital campus is strictly banned during working hours. Violation of this rule by any student would result in impounding of the cell phone and strict disciplinary action against the student.
Tuition fees will be collected every year in the month of August. The last date of payment of tuition fee is 31 st August.
The Institution has made arrangements for the transportation of students for academic activities. No private vehicle is required for this. So it is advisable not to have private vehicles to avoid accidents and grievous injuries. Day-scholars who use vehicles for transport to and from their residence, are prohibited from riding at high speed inside the campus. They have to register their vehicles with the security on duty and park their vehicles in the allotted parking plot for students.
The College has International / Foreign Exchange Programme with La Source and Hesav University, Switzerland. Every year 8 -10 students are selected to be part of Indian experience along with Swiss students for an International Exchange Programme in the month of November. The programme commences in January for three weeks with specific theme choosen every year.
The students are selected by scrutinizing the applications and conducting interview (on merit and conduct and character basis) to Summer University Programme at Switzerland for a period of three weeks in the month of June. The selection process begins in the month of January /February. The students who are sponsored for Summer University Programme need to work for two years at PSG Hospitals.
The College creates exceptional learning environment for students through having highly qualified experienced teaching faculty and excellent clinical learning resources.
Parent Teachers Meeting will be held once in a year. All are expected to attend without any absence. If unable to attend the meeting on specified date for emergency reasons, need to report within one week of meeting.
NOTE : In case of any violation of rules and regulations by the student, action initiated against the student may include a warning or a reprimand, awarding a fail mark for an assignment or course, suspension or expulsion from a particular class or from the College, withholding of official documents, withdrawal of campus privileges and any other action which the college authorities deem appropriate at that time.
Rules and regulations are subject to change / modification as and when necessary.
Hostel students (Hostelites) are expected to display satisfactory behavior by maintaining discipline in the hostel campus and need to abide with rules and regulations as stipulated
Hostelites are required to pay their hostel fee every year on or before 31st of August.
The management has the right to revise rules and regulations from time to time and will keep informed if any changes in the form of notices on hostel notice board.
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